Monday, July 11, 2016

Every Person's Greatest Challenge

THEMSELVES...Most every person has strengths and weaknesses. In the world of In-Syncness, we realize that the weaknesses are fueled by CONTAMINANTS that sabotage us in various and sundry ways.

If you are unaware of your contaminants and how best to detect and eradicate them, then you are missing out on concepts and processes that are designed to empower you to maximize as a participant in society. Your strengths have taken you to where you are now--you can go over the top by eradicating the contaminants that sabotage you in numerous ways that negatively impact every aspect of your career and personal life.

The following are direct quotes from any of the In-Syncness books:

  • Each of us is laden with a unique array of folly/fear-based beliefs we call contaminants; when we are in-conflict, our contaminants influence our thoughts, attitudes, words, desires, and behavior.

  • Contaminants are deceptions, partial truths, lies that became our truth when we failed to interpret various words or life experiences from a self-valuing or biblical perspective. All of us have a unique array of contaminants that are founded on our life experiences.

  • Most of our contaminants are created during our formative years (conception to age six) when our ability to reason is not yet fully developed. Contaminates reside throughout us in our cellular memory; most likely in the meninges (membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord) as well as in the heart (sub/unconscious), and in the organ that is most impacted by the negative emotions that accompanies each contaminant.

  • Each of us is blessed with a unique array of virtuous beliefs; when we are in-sync, our virtuous beliefs influence our thoughts, attitudes, words, desires, and behavior. If you are a leader, in spite of your contaminated beliefs, your virtuous beliefs have catapulted you into that position.

I am fully aware that you have learned much from your extensive on-the-job experiences as well as from various seminars, books and training you may have received through the years. In all likelihood all of that has greatly benefited you and helped shape your attitudes, perspectives, choice of words, people skills, and various other capabilities.

In spite of your success, my hope is that you are so intent on increasing your personal effectiveness to the next level that you opt to understand, identify and eradicate the various contaminants that are sabotaging you at various times, in various ways and in various circumstances. I can assure you that is a simple, painless process that yields massive dividends.

Take a minute and go to immediately order the E-book In-Syncness the Key to Health, Peace, Joy, Prosperity. There are links to Amazon and B&N. $4.99

Once you read this book and respond accordingly, your personal effectiveness, choice of words, attitudes, perspectives and the manner in which you relate to others will be radically altered for the better. Then, it will be time for all of your friends
to read the In-Syncness book that is most appropriate for them.

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