Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Say What You Mean and Mean What You Say

Your Choice of Words …I think, I feel, I believe, I know 

When it comes to you expressing your views and motivating others, your choice of words conveys your degree of assurances in relation to the contents of your statements. The most common range of words includes: think, feel, believe and know.

When you think this is the way to go, it leaves room for doubt. When you feel this is the way to go, it leaves a little less room for doubt. When you believe this is the way to go, it conveys confidence. When you know this is the way to go, it conveys assurance.

When a group of people are lost in the mountains, how comforting are the words,I know the way back to camp.”

In most circles, we mostly hear, “I think” but rarely hear, “I believe” or “I know.” Start listening to the words used by others and note their countenance and the impact of their statements. Also, take note of your use of the words think, feel, believe and know; then implement the appropriate changes.

In today’s complex, challenging, competitive world, every word has significance and every word has a ripple effect. Much of the In-Syncness philosophy of life is based upon proper word usage, which is extensively detailed in the In-Syncness books which can be reviewed and purchased at  Links to Amazon and B&N are also at this site. 

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