Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Get In-Sync

Get In-Sync
Faulty thoughts, words, behavior catapult us into conflict. One way to eliminate conflict and reestablish In-Syncness is to say the nine word  Declaration/Prayer as recorded in the In-Syncness books.

Stay In-Sync 
The best way to stay in-sync is to say the Prayer/Declaration dozens of times each day. In addition, the 31 Proclamations in the In-Syncness books, provide insights on how to rightly manage your thoughts, words, relationships, health and behavior. In Battle of the Seeds learn how to tap-out contaminates, the faulty beliefs/scripts that sabotage us and keep us from experiencing In-Syncness/success.

Spread In-Syncness 
Once you experience the positive benefits of a life of In-Syncness, we hope you will tell others. You can purchase books or get Epub download, or pdf at www.insyncness.com. E-books are also available on Amazon and Barnes&Noble.  

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