Monday, September 25, 2017

Football- Politics-Anthem-Kneeling

After watching the national anthem for the Giants/Eagles game, and then hearing Judge Jeannine's monologue, I had no choice but to put on my consultant's hat and state what seems like a totally logical conclusion to the situation for everybody.

IF I WERE ADVISING THE PLAYERS would suggest that you decide what it is you are disappointed about and create you own list, then merge your list with the all the others list into a Master Team List. Then have EVERY PLAYER who wants to, sign the COMPLAINT LIST.

As each player writes out his list, they will discover that writing crystallizes thinking and it will provide each person who is taking a knee, with the opportunity to wisely think through their gripes. This will also enable individuals to determine if they are just following along or really have significant gripes.

The Master List for the NFL needs a significant name, like when Lincoln enunciated his Emaciation Proclamation. It becomes the official statement of the NFL and the players who sign it. Once the gripes are crystallized, then the players will be able to stand for the Anthem and we as a Nation can begin to remedy the challenges that surface in the Proclamation. One of the many reasons for the Proclamation is to set the stage for solutions. After all, it is pretty difficult to remedy the unknown. Ideally, each team creates their own List, and their may be one big NFL Proclamation signed by all the players from different teams.

IF I WERE ADVISING THE OWNERS it is already too late for the owners, who were not proactive way back last year. I don't follow this much, but I am willing to bet that some owners have said, there will be no kneeling, and some owners are no longer in control. For owners who have already said no kneeling, they have once again proven that being proactive is a far strategy than being reactive. For the owners who are now in a corner, I suggest you take a real close look at the aforementioned to the players. It is what I would do, and I see no other clean way to move towards solutions instead. The Team List is for local and state effort. The NFL Proclamation is for national. Note: If you are an "no kneel" owner, I suggest you do this too as you do not want your players suppressing all of this....get out and get on with life.

IF I WERE ADVISING THE LEAGUE would say, get it fixed soon. Over the last 5 years, your brand has lost tons of ground. Only advice is write up the rules and the consequences. How tough is it to go over every problem you have ever had, write what it was and then the consequences you want to impose. If things are in writing and the players and owner know the rules and consequences, things tend to run smoothly. If I were Roger Goodell, I would do this plan. It is an easy way to get out of the eye of the storm and put it all on the owners....which is where it belongs.

IF I WERE ADVISING PRESIDENT TRUMP many people do not understand Donald Trump. One of his roles is reversing political correctness. The things he is shaking up have been around in some form for awhile. They are not new to Trump. Trump is bringing much to a head. The wonderfulness of that is we can get some things fixed that have been broken to some degree for far to long. As to he said to NFL, wouldn't have used SOB, but guess what the conversation was about all weekend. Talking is first step is getting a solution.

Rarely do I write a long post as I like short ones. But this issue is truly impeding us and we need to remedy it. My contribution to this mess and individual lives are the In-Syncness books. It would be great if every owner and some of the players were familiar with the concepts. Start today Links to Amazon / B&N